Open Burning
No Fire Restrictions At This Time
Current Fire Conditions: High
per Craig Interagency Dispatch Center
Permitted outdoor fire pits within the Hayden Town Limits are allowed. Please follow the guidelines of the permit and be extra cautious.

Fire / Barbeque Pit Information
Permits Will Only By Issued Within Hayden Town Limits
Permanent Pit Requirements:
- Pit must be buried at least 8 inches deep in the ground.
- Pit must be at least 25 feet away from any structure or combustible materials.
- Diameter of the pit shall be no more than 3 feet.
- Must be constructed of brick, concrete or steel. Rock is accepted as long as there is not an air gap between the rocks. The gaps must be filled with concrete.
- A lip of 6 inches must be above ground using any of the construction materials listed above.
Portable Pit Requirements:
- Purchase an approved fire ring or fire pit
- Pit must be at least 25 feet of any structure or combustible materials.
- Pit must not be located on combustible materials (like a wooden deck).
- Fire pits must be inspected by a West Routt Fire staff member after construction is complete and prior to burning.
Dispatch should be notified by calling (970) 879-1110 before each burn.
AG/Slash Burn Information
Routt County dispatch should be notified by calling 879-1110 before each burn.
Ag Burns should only happen when the fire danger is low. Land owners must contact Routt County dispatch prior to starting the burn. This makes fire resources aware of the smoke in the area if any public interest is generated.